
Welcome to Misty Morning Knits! My name is Kylie Milliken and I'm a fiber artist from Louisville, Kentucky. I learned how to knit in 2017 and started this website in 2023 to share my love of knitting with others. My goal is to create things that make people smile - I love bright colors and whimsical, nature-inspired patterns like strawberries, mushrooms, and snails. Everything on my site is designed and hand-knitted by me.

If you have any questions about materials, prices, commissions, or any other aspect of Misty Morning Knits, please do not hesitate to reach out to mistymorningknits@gmail.com . Thank you for visiting my website!


A note on materials:

My goal is for Misty Morning Knits to be a climate-conscious and transparent slow fashion brand. To that end, I will always give details about what yarn I used and where it came from in product descriptions. At the moment, Misty Morning Knits has a mixture of products made with both natural materials and acrylic yarns from a variety of sources. Some of my yarn was purchased from big box stores in past years, but as that yarn runs out, I am transitioning to using secondhand yarn, yarn from local yarn shops, and yarn from Knit Picks, which has high ethical standards and supply chain transparency. I am also planning to transition to using exclusively natural materials in my products as I knit through my existing stash of acrylic yarn.
